#PPE4HCP Intention & Milestones
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Healthcare Professionals (HCP)
As our nations are experiencing a shortage and future fear of shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the Foundation would like to initiate donation allocation towards the purchase and manufacturing of the following items:
- N95 masks
- Standard masks
- Standard masks with guard shield
- Surgical gloves
- Latex gloves
- Non-latex gloves
- Elastomeric Respirators
- Battery-powered Air Purifying Respirators
- other requested in-need items (ie. Ear Savers)
Please consider donating towards our Health Care Professionals (HCP) protection
Total Items Donated: 12,069 items
Have any of these items at home? Bought too many in panic? Are you a part of a clinic (medical or surgical) that has recently closed doors due to COVID-19?
Please email us directly at info@foundationofimg.org
We advise members within our community who are not in direct care of patients to consider the use of alternative/cloth masks as they are sufficient. Thank you for keeping our communities safe!
Initiative Launch Date: March 22nd 2020
Donation Milestone Goal: 29,038 beds
To better organize our goals for the first wave of donations, the foundation has selected the most affected areas currently in North America (Canada and United States). For the time being, our organization has chosen to exclude hospitals serving less than 200 beds within their facilities and services that are designated for psychiatric care. This considered, we have made a goal to provide at least 1 PPE item per hospital bed.
All monetary donations will be used to purchase appropriate NIOSH, CE and FDA approved PPE supplies to be shipped directly to our intended hospitals. Every donation can make a difference and protect our health care professionals who are directly involved in the care of our communities and loved ones.
As border control and restrictions may compromise our logistics at this present time, our foundation is committed to to continue working towards our intended goals and respond accordingly.

It is with great pride that the foundation thanks all of our current volunteers for their time and contribution to their roles as Awareness Outreach Educators and International Relations & Outreach volunteers. We would like to applaud the very noble and appreciated consistent effort observed during this time.
PPE Logistics Planning
Our foundation believes strongly in collaboration being the key to effective resolution. We are working alongside our peers who are also working hard in our communities to provide PPE to our hospitals internationally.
We invite fellow organizations with the same mission and intention to contact us at info@foundationofimg.org for requested inclusion for future updates and collaborations.
We are offering our services for collaborative efforts to assist in logistics planning for various cities or towns as a new case whereby we may assist with any of the following:
- Supply and shipping liaison of your potential PPE
- Stratification of various hospital capacities within the city/town in question
- Details of donation acceptance/omission and transaction
- For certain cities, we may be able to help with on-foot volunteers, however we are definitely able to assist with your local volunteer/community organization
Reusable PPE Innovations Available
Ear Savers - Printed by Sawm Rad
Open Source file Created & Developed by the 3D Printing Community
Due to the current PPE shortage, 3D printed adjustable bands are a great tool to relieve the stress of the rubber banding of masks as our healthcare workers are wearing their masks longer and further between shifts. The Foundation of International Medical Graduates have made these available for donation to hospitals as reusable tools! Contact us at info@foundationofimg.org if your hospital would like to be considered.